Monday, April 30, 2018

How to Prepare the Exams in 2 Weeks: 10 Tips

10 Tips to Prepare the Exams in 2 Weeks
In the last months, we have given you some tips on how to prepare for the exams. How to plan your studies, how to make a study calendar, how to review, how to prepare the selectivity, etc. ... However, with only a few weeks or days for the day of the exam, it may be better to have some advice on how to prepare exams soon. It is not the ideal scenario but does not worry, we are here to help you!
That is why we have created this list of useful tips to prepare the exams in a short time.
10 Study Tips to Prepare for Exams in 2 Weeks
Study Tip # 1
Prepare a strategy and study schedule according to the time you have left until the exam.
Study Tip # 2
Do not try to study everything in 2 weeks. It is impossible! In return, focus on a few topics that have come out in the last past exams.
Study Tip # 3
Take the last 5 exams and prepare perfect answers for each of the questions. Remember you can use the books!
Study Tip # 4
Ask your friends to share their notes and summaries for topics that you have not yet been able to study.
Study Tip # 5
Use online study cards to memorize concepts, formulas and key dates. You can also use them on the way to the exam to do a final review.
Study Tip # 6
Take into account your learning style. If you are a visual person, mental maps will help you connect ideas and better assimilate information.
Study Tip # 7
Before you start studying a topic, ask yourself questions about it and try to answer them while you study it. You will understand and remember better.
Study Tip # 8
Organize a group study session. It will be beneficial for everyone and fun!
Study Tip # 9
Instead of creating yours, look for online study resources that are ready to be used. We have lots on Exam Time!
Study Council # 10
If you do not take care of yourself, your brain can not function properly. Do not forget to sleep and eat!

How to Prepare the Exams: 10 Tips

In just a few weeks many of you will face end-of-course exams or Medical entrance exams in India (NEET 2018). Yes, we know, it may seem like a difficult time but it does not have to be. That's why today we share with you some tips on how to prepare for exams.
So there goes our advice. We hope you find them useful!:
Tip # 1
Create and follow a study calendar.
Tip # 2
Follow a strategy and prioritize the most important issues.
Tip # 3
Think about what you study to assimilate and remember better.
Tip # 4
Study only one subject at a time.
Tip # 5
Take a break and clear your mind from time to time.
Tip # 6
Keep a balanced diet and do not stop sleeping.
Tip # 7
Organize group question and answer sessions to review among all.
Tip # 8
Solve and study all past exams to which you have access.
Tip # 9
Make a summary of the most important concepts to review the day before the exam.
Tip # 10

Keep calm at all times and trust yourself.